Contact and arrival
Hotel Moser
Familie Stocker
Reiterkreuzweg 44
8971 Schladming
Phone: +43 3687 61210
How to find the Hotel Moser in Rohrmoos!
Arrival by car:
Take the motorway A10 to Altenmarkt or the A2 to Liezen then take the B320 towards Schladming.
At the roundabout in Schladming please turn off to Rohrmoos and drive along the Rohrmoosstraße to the centre of Rohrmoos,
after the Erlebniswelt please turn right and after a few meters you will find the Hotel Moser.
47°23'01.34" N
13°40'05.57" O
High 986 m
In winter we recommend that you carry snow chains with you as snow chains are sometimes compulsory on the Rohrmoosstraße.
We are also easy to reach by train, there is a taxi stand and a bus stop at Schladming railway station.
If the journey to Rohrmoos is difficult, please contact us and we will pick you up at the train station.
We wish you a good journey and look forward to seeing you!